Ynysybwl Regeneration Partnership

The group offer an advice service as well health and well being programmes such as walking and mens sheds activities.  For further information contact Dave on 07498309327 or email  lgh@yrp.wales 

Alzheimer's society - Dementia support

For support and/or advice on local programmes contact  Gareth Lewis on 01685 353919 or by emailing gareth.lewis@alzheimers.org.uk  

Community Coordinators - Taff Ely

Services within the community provided by the voluntary sector can be accessed via Karen Powell based in Interlink RCT. The team works to provide connections between individuals, communities and organisations.  Karen can be contacted on 07580 869970  or by Emailing  kpowell@interlinkrct.org.uk

District Nursing Services

The district nurse team provides care for people with health care needs at home, such as wound management, continence management, provision of specialist equipment and support for carers. They are employed by Cwm Taf NHS Trust but work closely with the Practice Team.

Well Baby/Immunisation Clinic

Your doctor and health visitor will be very happy to carry out all your baby’s examinations for the Child Health Surveillance programme. Vaccinations and baby examinations are by appointment. Vaccinations are carried out by Practice nurses. Please ask our receptionists or Health Visitor for further information.

The primary immunisation schedule is as follows:

  • 2 months DTaP/IPV/Hib, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Men B + Rotavirus. 
  • 3 months DTaP/IPV/Hib + Rotavirus.
  • 4 months DTaP/IPV/Hib + Men B, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
  • 12 months Hib/MenC, Men B, Pneumococcal conjugate + MMR
  • The DTaP/IPV/Hib/Hep B will be introduced for children from 8 weeks for children born from August 2017. 

Baby immunisation clinics are held each Monday and Wednesday in Dewi Sant Health Park and Tuesday afternoon at Rhydyfelin Surgery commencing at 13:30. These clinics are run by appointment only.

Contact telephone numbers for health visitors in the Practice

  • Health Visitor Rhydyfelin Surgery - 01443 405103
  • Health Visitor Pontypridd Surgery - 01443 404329


The midwives are based at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital and can be contacted on 01443 553529 (08:30 – 17:30 weekdays) and 01443 443510 (after 17:00 and weekends).

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